BULLETIN 1st December 2023
President John's comments
We have all appreciated the quality of our recent speakers this month, Richard always does a great job in organising these and this month they were superb.
Rosemary Riddell regaled us with stories from the bench and it was heartening to see such a turnout of partners and even a pride of Lions joining us for her presentation.   And her talk didn’t disappoint, it was humorous and serious along with a real touch of poignancy as she related her own recent tragedies. Inspiring really.
And then we followed it up with Hayley Anderson this week, the recently appointed CEO of Dunstan Hospital. It wasn’t as humorous as the topic (health reforms, hospital challenges, health challenges) didn’t lend itself to that, but it was just as interesting and inspiring.  We are lucky I believe to have Hayley in charge, the draw of family and environment works again to our advantage.
So well done Richard for finishing the year with such a strong showing of speakers - we are of course saving the best for last with the AGM next meeting!
It was sad to acknowledge the death of Barry Bemrose during the month, a friend to us all and an ardent supporter of Rotary over many years.  His ukulele has sadly gone quiet.  A memorial service will be held for Barry on Thursday January 4th.
On a happier note, we had an enjoyable evening at the Station Brewery, it’s good to support our neighbours isn’t it. The evening was one of the many fun activities organised by Mark Willyams this year and he has a few lined up already for next year.  Keep ‘em rolling Mark. 
One recent issue for the directors to address was whether to purchase/lease an eftpos machine for the club rather than hire one for particular fundraisers - and in the process eliminate the need to pay cash every meeting night.  The director’s recommendation is to lease a machine over 4 years with annual costs of around $950. But this can only come about through an increase in member fees in one form or another as the club simply doesn’t have sufficient funds to cover it.  So, the option which we will vote on at the AGM is to either:
1. Increase the weekly meeting fees from $20 to $25, this will also provide a bit of buffer in the club account to cover anticipated increases in costs. Or
2. Increase the annual membership fee by $25 - this would not however provide any buffer and we would most likely increase the meeting charges next year.  
My preference is option 1, but that may not suit all members.
Don’t forget to attend the Christmas function at The Packing Shed on Sunday December 10.
And as this is the last bulletin for 2023, have an enjoyable Christmas with family and friends, stay safe and enjoy the start of 2024.  Our first meeting back in the New Year is January 23.
Mark Willyams
Social Convenor
We had a pleasant social gathering at Station Brewing on Tuesday November 21st with about 20 attending and enjoyed craft beers, convivial conversation, snacking platters and a wee beer Quiz.
Grant Radka has established this business down Boundary Road after a career in brewing overseas and for Olivers. It is a great addition to hospitality in our community (pictures below).
Mark, Grant Radka and Owen
Owen as Barman and Mike
Alexandra Rotary Quiz night
Graham Quinn
The nett proceeds for this year’s quiz night was $3802.
The previous best result was back in 2019 when we made $2888.
Also, the club recently received a donation of $200 from the NZ Merino Shearing Society in recognition of the help provided by Rotary club members at the recent Merino Shears event in Alexandra (pictures below and to the right).
Markers - Hugh, Bernie, Jillian, Graham, Andrew
Louise and Richard McKenzie in foreground
Nev and Russell Grubb
Quiz shield presented to the winning team
Alexandra Rotary Christmas Lunch
Jillian Jopp/Mark Willyams
Members, Honorary members and partners are invited to join us at the Packing Shed (Bolton Road, Earnscleugh) for our Rotary Christmas Lunch on Sunday 10th December at 12 noon.
The cost is $50 per person.
I hope we get a perfect day so that we can enjoy the lovely setting.
Please let me know by the 2nd December (that is tomorrow) if you are attending or an apology.
Rotary weekend Mt Aspiring
Hugh McIntyre
I have made a booking for the Lodge for February 2024. From Friday 9th to Sunday 11th February for our annual visit.
Currently working on an activity list.
Helpers required - see Andrew's previous email
Farewell, last Bulletin for 2023
Bulletin Editor
Gil Elliott
Dec 12, 2023
Jan 23, 2024
Soldier to CEO
View entire list
Club Information
Making a world of difference
Tuesdays at 5:45 PM
Alexandra Bridge Club
52 Boundary Road
Alexandra,  9320
New Zealand
Currently meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month
District Site Icon
District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map
If you are unable to do a duty that you have been listed for below, then please find a replacement for yourself. If you are Sergeant, you can contact the editor for a replacement name and then contact that club member. 
Meeting Responsibilities
Pre Meeting Tasks 12th December 2023 AGM
Young, Les
Bathurst, Logan
During Meeting Tasks 12th December 2023 AGM
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up after
Beattie, Stuart
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up after
Bowman, Robyn
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up after
Sumser, Phil
3 Minute Talk
Clark, Judy
McIntyre, Hugh
Meet & Greet and Last Word
Dawson, Bob
Pre Meeting Tasks 23rd January 2024
Bathurst, Logan
Beattie, Stuart
During Meeting Tasks 23rd January 2024
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up ...
Bowman, Robyn
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up ...
Sumser, Phil
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up ...
Clark, Judy
3 Minute Talk
Dawson, Bob
MacKenzie, Kevin
Meet & Greet and Last Word
Flynn, Denis
Wishing everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year
Steve Robertson
Firewood splitting
Keep Thursday the 14th of December 2023 free for our fire wood splitting morning starting at 9am. Community garden, Dunstan Road (next to the Fulton Hogan yard).
Steve to confirm this!
No meeting in January 2024
Okay who goes first?
This seems pretty easy!
Another lot almost ready to deliver.
What a nice break after the hard work. But more to do yet.
Phil and Arnold packing up.
The next Bulletin will be produced on Friday the 26th of January 2024. Please send articles and any photographs to the Editor (gil.elliott42@gmail.com) by Thursday the 25th of January 2024 at the latest, thank you.