ROTARY CLUB OF ALEXANDRA INC Directors meeting minutes
Minutes of the Directors meeting held at the Bridge Club rooms on 11th July 2023.
Present: John Whitaker (Chair), Gordon Wilson, Jillian Jopp, Arnold Hooykaas, Mark Willyams, Rhys Jenkins
Apologies: Graham Quinn, Greg Hunter.
The minutes of the meeting held on 29th June 2023 were accepted as circulated.
Matters Arising: Carolyn Martin to update website and is the member responsible for Media and Promotions.
JW proposed a buddy system for new members. P Sumser/R McKenzie. L Rolston/J Jopp.
Trees for Babies: Pruning of fruit trees has been attended to by G Wilson and N Hinton in liaison with Delta who are to attend to irrigation and fertilizer. Thought that irrigation system inadequate resulting in poor or dead trees. AH dealing with Barry Hansen from Delta. • Trees have been tagged with recipient names. • JJ to contact Marie Gordon CODC as to whether this program is to proceed again in the spring.
Days for Girls: application for a matching district grant of $1500 has been made. Notified in September as to the success or otherwise. RJ noted that our club can apply for a matching grant up to $3000 and $5000 if there is a joint project/application with another club. There is a ‘washup’ period where applications can be made in Jan/Feb for unused money.
Quiz Night: JW to talk with N Grubb re increasing the team charge.
Club Correspondence: review of Health and Safety Policy. JW has reviewed and distributed to Directors for comment and sign off. Need H&S policies in place for ACH gardening and wood splitting.
District Awards: many on offer and awarded at District 9999 Conference. Alexandra Club won the award for the best Club Bulletin (picture of award certificate below). Congratulations to be passed on to the editor Gil Elliott. Question from RJ as to whether members knew of such awards. There followed a general discussion on the nature and range of the awards and to keep these in mind during the various projects we undertake over the forthcoming year. General thinking that it was the club’s responsibility to bring any significant club projects or achievement to the notice of District 9999.
Club Finances: from Graham Quinn as tabled by GQ. Break even situation. Accepted JW/GW Budget for Club account discussed. Noted that ACH earnings subsidises club membership. Proposed to keep membership at $100 for the next six-month period. RJ initiated discussion on RDU magazine. Queried when members were last asked if they preferred a hard or digital copy? Club would save $20 per person if a digital option was opted for. JW to find out when we can re-evaluate this option. Thought, maybe academic until the AGM. It was also suggested that new members be asked which they prefer. Should this be added to the membership form?
Rotary Foundation: Rhys Jenkins Applied for $1500 matching District Grant for Days for Girls programme. Should hear September. RJ noted that our club can apply for up to $3000 for a matching grant for individual projects and up to $5000 for a combined club project.
Youth: Arnold Hooykaas is looking for RYLA candidates 20-30 yrs. JW suggested we approach company participants in the Charity Dinner. Distribute flyer to relevant parties. Science Forum – to approach Dunstan High School Club Administration.
Social: Mark Willyams, the Pinot, pint and pizza night at Ferris Road Brewery was a success. Will look out for an appropriate movie to screen for the club in the next period of time. 4WD trip possibility. Whisky Tasting.
Service Projects: Gordon Wilson, Wood Splitting is continuing under the guidance of Steve Robertson. Consider supporting the ‘Upcycle Bikes’ programme.
Welfare: Gordon Wilson advises that Members are to be updated on this new role and to contact Gordon with names of those in need of support. Gordon visited Barry Bemrose who is battling cancer. Gordon also visited past member Jim Carroll who was a warded a Paul Harris Fellow Saphire Pin by the District for his personal gifting to the Rotary Foundation.
Club General Business: D9999 recognised the club by way of a ‘Champion Club Silver Level Status’ for the purchase of two shelter boxes.
Trust Finances: all directors are responsible to the Trust but only the president, past president, treasurer, secretary are able to vote. JW to check with Hugh McIntyre if this is correct. GQ circulated the Trust Account details to Directors. Accepted JW/JJ RJ asked if we needed the ANZ account any more.
Trust Budget: see a summary of the budget from John and Graham below. The Club is looking to use cash reserves for one off expenses/projects up to $20k. JW to contact Chris Foggin, (Upcycle Bicycles) to see how we can best support this initiative.
Vince Ashworth Trust: A hand up for children and adults in need. MW to update directors on criteria needed for an application to the Ashworth Trust.
Lend a Hand Foundation: had asked for an annual club contribution of $4000 - to be paid. JW/JJ.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.