ROTARY CLUB OF ALEXANDRA INC Minutes of the Directors meeting held at the Bridge Club rooms 28th of February 2023. Present: Gordon Wilson (Chair), Jillian Jopp, Hugh McIntyre, Graham Quinn, Greg Hunter. Apologies Arnold Hooykaas, John Whitaker.
Minutes from previous meeting: The minutes of the meeting held 22nd November 2022 were accepted as circulated.
Matters Arising: None.
Club Correspondence: The resignation of Jim Carroll was accepted with considerable regret. He was thanked for all his work for the club.
Club Finance: Graham Quinn. District levies and Rotary Down Under costs were large expenses in the past month, but were offset by members subscriptions, leaving a closing balance of $707. Quinn/McIntyre.
Media and Public Relations: Andrew Howley was going to source an adapter for speakers to use at meetings.
Membership: Jo Kys, who attended the meeting this Tuesday, has expressed an interest in joining the club.
Social: Hugh McIntyre. Hugh may arrange for a couple of movie screenings in the winter.
Service Projects: Gordon Wilson. Mike Rooney is organising the senior citizens outing soon.
Youth: Arnold Hooykaas. Gordon Wilson has heard good reports of the RYLA meeting held in Queenstown.
President Elect: John Whitaker. John has organised the Charity Dinner for Saturday the 20th May at the Packing Shed. Matt Chisholm is the speaker. The club will run the bar.
President: Gordon Wilson. Gordon suggested we investigate supporting people affected by the East Coast floods either by hosting them or offering holiday homes, perhaps in conjunction with other clubs. The club should also support this region financially. We need more information on this and someone to co-ordinate this. We should put something in the bulletin investigating either regional or national funding for flood victims.
Club General Business: None.
Correspondence: Dunstan High School has asked us to become a sponsor of the school. It was felt that we already support the school each year by providing the Dux prize. Tim Fleming has requested funding for the Tim and Marilyn Education Trust which supports post graduate medical education for nurses and allied personnel at Dunstan Hospital to upgrade their skills. They want $10,000-$15,000. The board considered this might a good cause for the Charity Dinner to support. To be discussed further with the club. Isla Nelson asked for funding to help her attend the Pacific Students Leaders meeting at Rarotonga in April. It was agreed to give her the requested $1000. The Central Otago Regional Orchestra asked for $3000 to purchase seats to be used by the members at rehearsals. It was decided to give them $2500. Gordon Wilson/Greg Hunter.
Finance: Trust Account. Nothing much to report. Please see Graham’s report, which was accepted. Graham noted that we are committed to giving $5000 to the Rescue Helicopter Trust this year and transferring $5000 to the Health Shuttle Account. We are also giving $5000 to the Ukraine appeal, $3700 of this coming from the sunflower fund raising and the Letts Gully garage sale.
At our last club meeting the directors decided to fund 2 Shelter Boxes for the Syrian/Turkey earthquakes, one for Turkey and one for Syria at $1400 each. Graham Quinn/Hugh McIntyre.
TRUSTEES REPORTS: Rotary Foundation. Jillian Jopp. Dictionaries in schools and the ABC books are ready for distribution. The group sewing products for Days for Girls have 200 products to do, which may be too many.
Fund Raising Projects: John Whitaker Not present.
General Trust Business: Nothing further.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Greg Hunter
Alexandra Rotary Secretary