BULLETIN 29th November 2024
President Jillian's comments
The Rotary year is coming to a close with only the AGM and Christmas Party to come.
The AGM will be held at The Station Brewery in Boundary Road at 6.15pm next Tuesday, 3rd December.  Drinks are from 5.30 pm with sliders and chips available for purchase at the conclusion of the meeting.
Bernie has organised the Christmas Party for 6.15pm on Tuesday 10th December at The Orchard Garden.  The cost is $60 per head and partners are very welcome.  The menu is very enticing.  To date we have a good number attending.  Please get in touch with Bernie asap if you have ‘missed the list’!
Club Matters:
The Barker’s Christmas Gift Packs have sold well with 27 packs being sold, making $540 for the club.  
Thanks to Nev for organising the Quiz Night and also to quiz master Kevin who did a great job with the questions - both much appreciated. The evening has a popular format and is very enjoyable.  Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way.  We made $2755 from the night which will go towards supporting young people in the community.
It’s good news that Paddy has taken on the role of convenor for the Charity Dinner.  He will be looking for a few members to help with the organisation of this major fundraiser.
Phil has offered to organise the Community House Roster which is much appreciated too.
Robin is retiring from the Vince Ashworth Trust after 16 years of sterling service.  He will take on an honorary role for a period of time.  
The main points from the November Directors’ meeting are:
•    The cost of the Poplar Grove revamp is $2400 to the club. 
•    The club will open a PO Box at Community House at a cost of $30 per year.
•    The $2000 DHS Dux prize will be held until after the Booksale.
•    Bernie surveyed our most recent members who were generally positive about the club and offered helpful suggestions where improvements could be made.  Copies are available if you wish.
•    It was suggested that we need to be more proactive in promoting our activities to help increase the visibility of Rotary.  “The News” and Facebook are the main avenues to work on.
•    Honorary members B Currie, F Diver, B King, G Keys and R Stephens were confirmed.
This is the last bulletin for 2024, so I would like to thank you all for everything you do for Rotary. The club has a good vibe and you are all so willing to contribute in whatever way you can which makes it easy for us to help a great many causes.  
The first meeting for 2025 will be on Tuesday 28th January.
Book sale Wednesday January 1st to Saturday January 4th 2025 (some initial pictures below).
I wish you the Compliments of the Season and every good wish for 2025.
Bernie Lepper (PE) Alexandra Rotary Christmas Function
Christmas is quickly arriving and, on Tuesday the 10th of December, we are holding our Club Christmas Function. 
Partners are welcome to join in our Seasonal Celebration. 
Venue: The Orchard Garden - Dunstan Road
Date: 10th of December 2024
Start time: 6pm
Cost per head: $60
Menu: Buffet Style - it does sound good!
The evening will be a chance to enjoy a good meal together and each other's company. 
To further support our community, you are invited to bring along an item or two for the Salvation Army Food Bank on the night. The Christmas Food Parcels will not have gone out by the 10th.
This year, over 60 Christmas food parcels are being prepared for local whanau.
Logan Bathurst has suggested that some ‘Christmas festive food’ would be appreciated, that families can enjoy on the day. This could be anything from potato chips, nuts, to Christmas puddings etc.  Anything to brighten up their delivery.
Anything will be appreciated. Thank you.
RSVP to bernicelepper@gmail.com with your name and number attending. 
I look forward to seeing you and your partners at Orchard Garden.
Garry Dennison speaker Tuesday the 26th of November
Garry’s talk was entitled: ‘Rotary NZ World community service projects, especially the distribution of ERK’s’.
(Information from Garry and a RNZWCS brochure)
For over 45 years New Zealand’s Emergency Response Kits have been providing immediate relief to our pacific island neighbours in times of cyclone, devastating floods, tsunami or earthquake through the efforts of Rotary volunteers and supporters.
Each year Rotary NZ volunteers buy the stock and assemble hundreds of kits which are then pre-positioned throughout the pacific. Rotary NZ Limited manages the process. Since 2009, a total of 10,886 ERK’s have been purchased at a cost of NZ$ 600 each, responding to eighteen devastating cyclones and flooding and one tsunami. Prepositioned stock is stored in Auckland, Fiji (Suva, Lautoka and Labasa), Samoa, Tonga, the Cook Islands and Vanuatu (Port Villa and Santo).
Each kit contains more than 60 essential items for a family in an emergency situation. Included are two weatherproof tarpaulins for temporary shelter, a hammer and nails and a folding shovel. No food is included but a fishing tackle is and a hunting knife, a machete, a cooking grate, a pot, bowls, cups and plates and other kitchen essentials. Cleaning implements and products are also included.
Other items include: clothing for men and women, boys and girls, linen and towels. A medical pack including pain tablets, soap, tooth brushes and tooth paste, antiseptic cream, bandages and water purification tablets, gumboots and a wind-up rechargeable torch. A birthing kit is also included and the empty container will hold 78 litres of water
RNZWCS Limited (a registered charity) engages and collaborates with National Disaster Management Organisations that coordinate relief efforts in each country to ensure that the ERK’s are distributed to those most in need.
The Rotary New Zealand World Community Service (RNZWCS) not only distributes Rotary Emergency Response Kits (ERK’s) throughout the south pacific islands, but helps with project work in other countries such as Africa (see below).
The RNZWCS focus is always on supporting the most vulnerable and ‘Laketatu’ in Usa River is a perfect example. Laketatu a live-in Youth Training Centre is being constructed to support up to 140 homeless children and youth offering them a home, vocational training and physical and emotional support.
The project is also designed to support local women to grow vegetable and grain crops and raise livestock, providing them with incomes to improve their wellbeing and quality of life.
A most interesting and informative talk!
Garry Dennison
Graham Quinn attended the Dunstan High school Senior 2024 Prizegiving
On 30 October I attended the Dunstan High School Senior Prizegiving.    As most of you know Rotary has awarded a grant to the school Dux for many years and I had the pleasure of presenting the award this year as President Jillian  was unavailable.  Last year Rotary agreed to increase this award from $1,000 to $2,000.
This year’s Dux was Ariana Webb.    On receiving the Dux award most of the senior school pupils and many staff performed a most impressive haka in recognition of Ariana’s achievements.
It was also interesting to note the names of some of the sports award recipients including the following pupils supported by Rotary over the past couple of years.   Most of these have represented New Zealand at sports events overseas
  • Eddie Adams (Mountain biking)
  • Ollie Goldsmith (Kayaking)
  • Caleb Ludlam (Swimming)
  • Sky Sanders (Rodeo)
Poplar Grove working bee convened by Arnold Hooykaas
This event was held on Thursday 7th of November and was a combined Rotary and Lions project.
The four concrete pads were in place for the four tables to be secured. The tables were ready to be screwed down and this job was to be done by Owen Philips and Murray Anderson (Anderson’s Engineering).
The dirt that had been dug away for the placement of the pads had been heaped by each pad and needed to be moved. It was suggested that some of this dirt could be used for around each pad and any extra if there was any added to a depression close by, otherwise the dirt was to be tipped over the bank or in the long grass by the creek/car park.
Wheelbarrows, spades or shovels, rakes and helpers were required to complete this work, which in the end was completed satisfactorily.
Quiz night Tuesday 12th of November at the District Club
Convenor Nev Grubb
It was a great night on Tuesday at the quiz. Unfortunately, not the numbers of previous years but I guess a sign of the times. (23 Teams as opposed to 38 last year)
Many thanks to those who sold tickets, provided prizes and helped on the night. (A great selection of prizes for the raffles, thanks to everyone who provided some excellent stuff)
Special thanks to Andrew Howley for his work with the IT setup, Paddy Ford for organising the raffles, Kevin MacKenzie for the questions and being the quiz master (a great job) and all those who helped on the night.
I have the following sponsor’s names, which may or may not be inclusive at this stage:
Merino Butchery
Vincent Autobahn
Caltex Alexandra
Alexandra Pharmacy
Flannery Tait
Paper Plus
I will acknowledge their contribution.
Update on profit for the quiz night. 
Considering the number of teams were down considerably on other years we still made a profit of $2755.26
Below is a comparison to other years.
2009     $1423   No Record
2010     $1321   30 Teams
2011     $1399   24 Teams 
2012     $2615   30 Teams
2013     $2279   28 Teams
2014     $2234   37 Teams
2015     $2648   41 Teams
2016     $2841   36 Teams
2017     $2888   30 Teams
2018     $2684   33 Teams
2019     $2715   38 Teams
2020-21 Covid
2022      $2846  30 Teams
2023      $3802  39 Teams and increase in entry fee
2024      $2755  23 Teams
Book sale
Alexandra Rotary annual book sale starts on Wednesday January the 1st and finishes on Saturday January the 4th 2025. Further information will be available this December.
Skevington's Contractors have allowed us to use their shed on the corner of Symes and Ngapara streets (opposite the cemetery entrance).
Book sorting every Monday unless notified from 1 to 3pm.
Convenors: Mark Willyams and Kevin MacKenzie
Book sale January 1st 2024
Bulletin Editor
Gil Elliott
Dec 03, 2024
Dec 10, 2024
Dec 24, 2024
Jan 28, 2025
View entire list
Club Information
The Magic of Rotary
Tuesdays at 5:45 PM
Alexandra Bridge Club
52 Boundary Road
Alexandra,  9320
New Zealand
Currently meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month
District Site Icon
District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map
If you are unable to do a duty that you have been listed for below, then please find a replacement for yourself. If you are Sergeant, you can contact the editor for a replacement name and then contact that club member. 
Meeting Responsibilities
Pre Meeting Tasks 10th December 2024 Christmas function
Whitaker, John
Whitham, Bernard
During Meeting Tasks 10th December 2024 Christmas function
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up after
Young, Les
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up after
French, Charles
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up after
Beattie, Stuart
3 Minute Talk
Dawson, Bob
Checketts, Paul
Meet & Greet and Last Word
Flynn, Denis
Pre Meeting Tasks 28th January 2025
Whitham, Bernard
Young, Les
During Meeting Tasks 28th January 2025
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up ...
French, Charles
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up ...
Beattie, Stuart
Set up/bar/kitchen duties/tidy up ...
Clark, Judy
Introduce and Thank Speaker
Dawson, Bob
3 Minute Talk
Flynn, Denis
Roy, Rob
Meet & Greet and Last Word
Ford, Paddy
Steve Robertson
Firewood splitting
Keep Thursday the 12th of December 2024 free for our fire wood splitting morning starting at 9am. Community garden, Dunstan Road (next to the Fulton Hogan yard).
Steve to confirm this!
Pictures below courtesy of Barry Hambleton 
Morning tea break
Poplar Grove at the start
Poplar Grove now, with park benches to be installed on the concrete pads
Poplar Grove drone shot
Quiz night winning team
Quiz night winners trophy
Book sale preparation
Book sale preparation
Book sale Ngapara street, Skevington's Contractors building
Rotary International theme for 2024/2025
The next Bulletin will be produced on Friday the 31st of January 2025. Please send articles and any photographs to the Editor (gil.elliott42@gmail.com) by Thursday the 30th of January 2025 at the latest, thank you.